The Los Feliz Neighborhood Council has a vacancy in District F and we are looking for candidates! To submit your candidacy for District F, apply here. The Council’s rules (bylaws) require that if a vacancy occurs on the Governing Board, the Board will appoint a successor to serve out the remainder of the term.
There is a vacant seat in District F, and we are looking for a bright, energetic, self-starter to finish out the terms. The commitment is until Spring 2025. It is an excellent opportunity to get involved in leading Los Feliz without having to stand for general election.
The appointee will be selected by a majority vote of their future colleagues currently seated on the Governing Board. QUALIFICATIONS:
Candidates for this District Representative seat must be at least 18 years of age and live or work in District F.
District Representatives serve four-year terms, unless they are filling a vacated seat, in which case they will fill out the remaining term for that seat.
Applications must be submitted by September 12th at 7:30 PM PT. The Governing Board Meeting where this item will be heard will take place on September 19th at 7:30 PM.
The candidates’ statements will be posted on the LFNC website and distributed to the LFNC Governing Board for review.
Candidates are urged to attend the Governing Board meeting at which their candidacy is being considered, and will be afforded equal time to speak on behalf of their candidacy.
After a question and answer period, the Governing Board will cast written ballots to make the appointment.
The successful candidate will be seated immediately following the count of votes and will finish the meeting as a voting Board member. To submit your candidacy for District F, apply here.